Unity performance settings

Toggle effects

Avoid melting your graphic card.

Unity viewport settings

Quality by Levels

Aiming to get a better performance, create diferent quality levels, it can reduce the load of the graphic card considerably.

Quality Levels

Files management

  • All files inside Assets folder will be shared.
  • Use .zip extension to share inside Assets
  • The files inside Assets will be automatically open or transformed. Take a look console erros.
  • Check project updates, to avoid conflicts.

Collaboration tab

Unity Tree

- Blender files (local files)
- Assets        (shared files)
   - Scene
      - Vehicles
        - Mercedez_V1.fbx
      - Materials
        - Mercedez material.mat
      - Textures
        - NRML_V1
        - RGNS_V1
        - COLOR_V3
        - MLNS
        - AO